Saturday, July 5, 2008

Moving right along

So I know I just wrote two days ago,
But God is doing some amazing things, and I wanted to encourage you as you pray for this little team half way around the world! We have only been here two days, but already we have jumped into pretty fast paced ministry. Yesterday we were with two different youth programs, we had chances to share testimonies, songs, games and get to know the teenagers, most of whom are from troubled backgrounds. last night we got to pray with six of them who wanted to give their lives to the Lord, and spend some time personally getting to know them and encourage them. Becoming a Christian here is a really tough step for young people, because it means breaking with centuries of tradition they are expected to follow. Pray that God would encourage and strengthen these new believers, and bring mature Christians into their lives to continue discipling them.
Today we did a Sunday school service for about 100 kids ages 7-12. It was a really fun time, we shared some songs (one in Chinese that I think we did pretty well) and did some stories and testimonies. Got to meet our translator who will be with us the rest of the month, which is a real blessing! We are getting used to the food... yesterday I ate frog, along with a large assortment of tofu, and many other interesting delicacies. Thank you so much for your prayers, we could not be doing what we are doing without you (I probably would still be stuck at the airport come to think of it :-) I'll be in touch soon,

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