Spring has come early for me this year, Kona, Hawaii tends to do that to people :-). This past week, students from my last school returned to their homes from a three month outreach, teaching the Bible in Costa Rica. It was an incredible privilege to spend the better part of a year walking with this group pictured below (My staff, students, visiting lecturer and myself). I won't ever forget them, and hope to cross paths with each one in our continued service to the Lord. This quarter is looking a little different from the past year, as I am preparing coursework for several U of N classes, as well as serving in the local community.
Introducing the School of Mapping for Missions:
A good friend of mine is leading a new school in Kona that will impact global missions for decades to come. The school will teach missionaries the skills to use maps as a strategic tool in missions. I will be teaching one day a week in this course on the geography of the Bible, and the importance of location and physical geography in God's story! I am really excited about the new cirriculum and am looking forward to seeing this new school bear fruit for the Kingdom.
Props to Jill Thornton: Map-maker extraordinaire and SOMM school leader
Serving the Kona Community with Kona Coast Chaplaincy:
I have been blessed with the opportunity of serving in a church here in Kona for the past several years. As an outreach to the community, we set up tents, chairs and a sound system at a public area near the ocean for prayer, worship and teaching. Many tourists and locals are drawn by curiosity every week, and they always have a chance to hear the gospel preached and accept Jesus. This quarter I will be preaching several times as our pastor is traveling to Taiwan to serve on the mission field there. Please pray for the continued favor of God upon these services in what we lovingly call "the most beautiful church on earth!"
Josh and I leading worship for an open air Sunday service
Innovations and Revival
The school I am leading this year will highlight a new Bible study tool developed here at YWAM Kona. The Sourceview Bible is the first major change to the formatting of the Biblical text since chapters and verses were added almost 500 years ago. This breakthrough layout highlights the dramatic narrative of the Bible and greatly enhances the reader’s ability to experience the power of God’s story. If you are looking for a new and exciting way to study God's word I would strongly encourage you to get one for yourself. If you do, be sure to check out the "acknowledgements" page, you may see a name you recognize in the editorial section!

Prayer for the Nations: Mongolia
The current school of Biblical Studies is preparing to be sent on outreach to the country of Mongolia! I am hoping to go with this team at least part of their time there as support staff, and hopefully teaching in some of the YWAM schools or churches with needs in the area. Some of the very first missionaries I ever knew were sent out to Mongolia, and I can remember dreaming about going there as a boy. Join me in praying for the purposes of God for this country!

The current school of Biblical Studies is preparing to be sent on outreach to the country of Mongolia! I am hoping to go with this team at least part of their time there as support staff, and hopefully teaching in some of the YWAM schools or churches with needs in the area. Some of the very first missionaries I ever knew were sent out to Mongolia, and I can remember dreaming about going there as a boy. Join me in praying for the purposes of God for this country!